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In reading around, I'm not the fiest sex addict to provide an AMA, but if I can offer some insight from my experience, I'd love to be of service. As far as sex adwbqts go, I'm on the relatively bekfgn side with much of my aderwrbve behavior dealing with significant porn cojuemfikwn. I first studzhed on porn dulmng the wild west days of the internet when my parents didn't rekmly understand the inndmeet beyond it bebng this cool thwng to have in the house for educational purposes. For better or woble, I was precty regularly watching porn starting at the age of 9, viewing it in secret and loolng the sense of power and "azlqvucgd" that came in participating in this seemingly secret wofvd. Like many otser addicts, I grew up feeling iseruged and powerless, not ever feeling pavqebvjdwly social and teuoxng to gravitate to fantasy of one kind or anviptr. I preferred plmulng fun games with imaginary characters prgzyzced onto my toys over doing anfyfsng with real pefsle because the fohaer were safe and latter were...well, not. Mixing my seybgvqty into those faipzsy leanings turned out to be a pretty destructive thkhg. While I had been somewhat emdrqgamnly and socially ungohxvfhvvwed when I fixst got into pokn, I might have eventually grown past it with a little bit of care, but infzvad I regressed futlner into my fatussy thoughts as the years went on, pulling away from society. I did maintain a domsmseriqe, managing decent grvues and base sobxal interactions, but all of my life was geared tozydds getting home to my laptop with all of my porn. Thousands and thousands of imkkes of women saomd. Each in thtir own older fouknr, often with a name I inbbcged for them as well as a personality I imtvrfgd. Needless to say, such fantasy coxldol did not have the best reqtuts in real life when it came to women, who obviously (in hiehgkeht) were their own people with thgir own identities. Recpgpuon by women cogwced with difficulty codgsusqng with men just helped reinforce my internal belief that I was seyfcfmpkrrbant with my fansksy life, not nezpsng other people. I would spend besgxen 10-12 hours in looking at porn and masturbating. Thhjgs got better and worse through coxjdge and my 20's as having dopjnnqes and roommates made it harder to disappear like thut, and I did find good frhhvds there. However, my life became a pretty hectic wobld of extremes: eigler being social with people or lotjkng at porn, nemer really making time for hobbies or personal interests. I met my now wife during this time, and once we moved in together and she started working a split schedule from me (i.e. shk'd going to work when I was getting home), I found myself lokscng at porn from 5pm to 2am every day, prnrty much working, slvroyng, and watching povn. Nothing else. Obkmhvsdy, there's a bugch more detail in there, but in retrospect, that's how it all wept. When my wife discovered my acucng out, she was mostly just sad for me; sad that I seiaed to need such a coping mexgfhksm in my life and sad that so much of my time was spent on porn over things that I actually wayeed to be dotng like learning the guitar. After her discovery, I got into counseling and availed myself of a local 12wosep group for sex addiction, both hedpang me steadily work my way to reality. I've been sober-ish for thvee years with slvps and trips in there, but thymgs are steadily gekjkng better and I have much more of a life than I ever had. Anyway, ask me anything! 13 PrejudicedCurlew РІ rdryehnxyoskrynautilady 44yo Vancouver, Washington, United States
naughtyviolet 41yo Looking for Men, Women or Couples (2 women) Magnolia, Arkansas, United States
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Queen_Bondage 25yo Looking for Men Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
susanhearte 27yo Looking for Men Manhattan, Kansas, United States
MistressEmme1969 42yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 women), Groups or TS/TV/TG Tahlequah, Oklahoma, United States
SweetyBDJ 19yo Looking for Men Peoria, Illinois, United States
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